Obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still dispensed for all Catholics of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.
Anyone who is high-risk, or presents any symptoms of illness, are asked to NOT come to Mass. Out of respect for others, please participate from home.
Mass size will be limited to no more than 25% of maximum capacity.
We use the First Come, First Served system for the entrance to the Church. All entrances to the church would be closed except the main entrance with an usher or hospitality minister. The ushers will keep a tally of how many people come into the church. Once the maximum capacity is reached, no one can enter. Overflow in a satellite location (LaSalette Center) is allowed. Mass will be live-streamed in the Center.
People are allowed to view the live-streamed Mass on their smartphone while standing outside or remaining in their vehicle.
Holy Communion will be distributed to those in the center, outdoors or in their vehicle during the same time Holy Communion is distributed in the church proper. The same restrictions of social distancing are to be applied to those outside.
There must be a six-foot distance between all households who attend Mass. This means that, for those who live together in the same household, they are allowed to be closer than six feet, but different households must maintain a six-foot distance. To assist with this, we have marked off pews. We have blocked off pews and only certain pews are available to sit in. Several pews are marked so that two households can fit in a pew with a six-foot distance between them.
Six-foot social distancing must be followed at all times (entering and exiting the church). To better facilitate this, ushers will dismiss the congregation pew by pew.
Hymnals, missalettes, prayer cards, etc. were removed from the pews. We will provide weekly disposable worship aids with the readings. These aids must be discarded and not reused by others.
All who attend Mass must wear a mask at all times. No one is to be allowed into the church without a mask.
There is no offertory procession and passing of collection. There will be stationary collection baskets.
The Sign of Peace must be given without physical contact.
As the lay faithful process to receive Holy Communion, a six-foot distance must be maintained. Ushers will assist in coordinating said distance.
The communicant approaches, removing their mask.
If the communicant is wearing gloves, they must remove their gloves before receiving Holy Communion.
We will have volunteers to help guide the parking for those who want to participate in the Mass from inside their vehicles.
The Mass will be live-streamed on our Facebook page.
Hand sanitizer will be available for all who come into the church. We also encourage you to bring your own hand sanitizer.